Wednesday 14 January 2015

What are Most Common Types of Navigation Lights that you need to Know About?

Lights are the most common things that are installed with the boats to look for the boats coming from sideways or straight to your boat. They are also used to indicate the location and position of other boats. Most commonly, these lights are available in different luminance capacities and you can easily select the best one for your use.
If you are also searching for the best light to install on your boat, then you can think of purchasing Perko navigation light. These lights are most commonly available in four types that are discussed here: -
  • Side light: - They are installed on the boat to see the position of the boats that are coming from the sideways. These lights are best used by the seller of the boat.
  • Stern light: - They are the effective illuminating lights that are used by the sellers to see the nearby boats that are coming towards their boat.
  • Masthead light: - Usually these lights are installed on both the sides of the boats to make your boat’s location known to the other vessels. They are available in different capacities and you can select the best one for your use.
  • All Round White light: - Most commonly, these lights are also used to make your boat location visible to other vessels during their travel in the night. You will surely be able to identify the exact location of other boat with the use of these lights.
These are the most common types of navigation lights that are available in the market. You just need to know your requirements and then select the best lights that best meets your requirements in an easier way.

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