Sunday 14 December 2014

Thrusters and Its Ultimate Ranges- Make Docking Easier and Possible Without Worries

Bow thruster is a transversal propulsion device mounted to or built into the bow or stern of the ship or boat to make it more maneuverable.

Handling the ships in winds and tides is always a tricky affair and the bow thruster makes the docking easier allowing the captain to turn the vessel to the port or on starboard side.

This widely used range in ship comes in basically two range:

Tunnel Thruster

Widely used in boats for docking, you can find them on many motor boats. Tunnel thrusters are easy to fit and are highly cost effective. When it comes to quality tunnel thruster, Max Power bow thrusters are the best. The range offers a wide range of power outputs and 4 different sizes tunnels to meet the needs of the boat from 17 to 85 feet.

Retractable Thruster

When it comes to Retractable Thruster, you can easily install them far forward in the bow while reaching to the required depths. The retractable thruster even minimizes the loss of buoyancy. Mostly the weight of water in tunnel thruster's tube is a neglected factor that effect the performance of the boat. With the retractable thrusters, this issue can be minimized as the retractable thruster box filled only partially with water.

In addition to these, there are external mounted bow thruster and waterjet bow thruster that makes the docking easy and possible without any worry. If you cannot install the tunnel thruster, external mounted bow thruster makes it easy to get the job done.

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